10 Potato Puns That Will Make You Spudder With Laughter

10 Potato Puns That Will Make You Spudder With Laughter

What are your favorite potato puns? Leave them in the comments!

1. Why was the sweet potato too shy to ask out the russet potato?

Because he was a real spud.

2. What is a potato’s life philosophy?

I think, therefore I yam.

3. What kind of potatoes are in the best shape?

Hash browns; they’re totally shredded!

4. How do you know a potato is high?

When they look baked.

5. What is a potato’s favorite baseball team?

The New York Yamkees.

6. What kind of potato do you want to take home to your parents?

A sweet potato.

7. What did the dad potato say to his son before his soccer game?

I’m rooting for you.

8. How do you know when a potato is in a bad mood?

When they’re acting salty.

9. What do you call a baby potato?

Tater tots!

10. Where does a potato go to college?

DeFry. TC mark


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