Isocrates is an absolutely crucial figure when it comes to studying Greek civilization in the fourth century BCE. His impact cannot be denied. During the years from 403 to 393, he dedicated himself to writing speeches for the law courts of Athens.

But his influence didn’t stop there, as he also served as a mentor and teacher of composition for aspiring orators. His contributions were invaluable in shaping both the legal and rhetorical landscape of that time period. After setting up a school of rhetoric in Chios he returned to Athens and established there a free school of ‘philosophia’ involving a practical education of the whole mind, character, judgment, and mastery of language.

Oh, what an incredible school!

It attracted talented individuals from all corners of the Greek world, including renowned historians like Ephorus and Theopompus, as well as gifted orators such as Isaeus, Lycurgus, and Hypereides.

And let us not forget about the brilliant Isocrates himself! He passionately wrote captivating essays on political matters with his main vision being a united Greece triumphing over the mighty Persian empire. How inspiring it must have been to be part of such a vibrant intellectual community!

In his remarkable Panegyricus, crafted for the momentous 100th Olympiad gathering in 380, he passionately advocated for Athens to take the mantle of leadership, potentially alongside Sparta. Although eventually turning his gaze towards Philip of Macedon, fate intervened and he tragically passed away just as Philip’s supremacy over Greece began to unfold.

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A.R. Braun on Mind on Fire Books

Willy Martinez is local to Southern Illinois. Author of dark fiction Mythology, “The Sigua” and short visceral fiction, “Flora.”

Willy Martinez is also featured in our anthology Mad Men, available for sale now.

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