In the heart of an ancient forest, where the trees stood as silent sentinels, there lay a mystery enshrined in glass. The figure within, draped in the remnants of white, was a secret kept by the woods, a tale untold.

The Glass Keeper

Once, a traveler, weary of the world’s woes, sought solace in the forest’s embrace. His eyes fell upon the glass coffin, and within, the figure that time forgot. Each daybreak, he returned, drawn by a force he could not name, to stand vigil by the silent guardian.

Seasons turned, and the traveler’s hair silvered, but his pilgrimage never wavered. Until one dawn, when he did not come. The forest mourned in its own way, the trees bending low, and the earth softening to receive him.

And so, the tale of the Glass Keeper and her faithful wanderer passed into legend, whispered by the wind through the leaves, a story of devotion transcending the bounds of life and death, forever guarded by the ancient woods.

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